Outage management system (OMS) used in monitoring and reduce the outage duration and help electricity utilities to allocate resources for the system restoration. it can be integrated to (GIS), incorporate with (AMR, AMI) and more from such a comprehensive system. utilities used to face many challenges, for example they need to rethink how they respond to trouble calls, Discover, located and resolve power outages in a more informed, orderly, efficient and timely manner, Become aware of power outages sooner and with greater precision.
Solution Overview
Hexing Outage management system enables utilities to live track the outage, it effectively reduces the outage time even assists utility to evaluate the restoration process. Our Outage management system (OMS) is a mature software platform which, monitoring, managing and analyzing outages in a distribution network, the main application systems consist of SCADA/DMS/OMS/MFWM, Provide real-time service and management service.
Key benefits
· Handle More timely, accurate, organized, displayed data by information management function.
· Improve organization and efficiency in the dispatch center.
· Managing natural Disaster by prioritizing the restoration, provide better information for public safety.
· Ensure the security of data and information.
· Unified support platform: Systems such as SCADA/DMS/OMS.